carmen mussio

This website is a tribute to Arieto Bertoia from his village of San Lorenzo d’Arzene, in Friuli, Italy. In 1930, the 15 years old Arieto emigrated to the States, where, under the name of Harry Bertoia, became an artist and a designer of international relevance. For several years the Amici di Harry Bertoia have organized artistic and cultural events in the very place where Arieto spent his early life, amidst the nature, his forms, his sounds, which were so decisive for Harry’s spiritual and artistic development. These pages provide punctual information about all initiatives we organize to study the work and further the memory of Harry Bertoia. Via our Digital Library  we also provide an organized access to all the documents that during these years we have searched, collected and catalogued. We are also working to prepare a visual and audio catalog of tonal sculptures, the Virtual Barn project, which we hope will grow larger also through cooperation via the web with the owners of the sculptures.